Full Reference #1

Reference From: David Elson, Formerly Operations Manager at Carillion, Now Operations Manager at Winvic

Direct Quotes:

“In simple terms, LGX are the most user friendly, helpful contractor I have ever had the pleasure to work with.” 

“LGX have a Main Contractor delivery mentality with the nimbleness of a sub-contractor.”

“Such a wealth of knowledge in such a compact focused package.”


With the technical knowledge, drafting capabilities and sheer determination to succeed, LGX managed to eliminate secondary steelwork and SFS from 15,000 m2 of façade whilst delivering early weathertightness and low air permeability through implementation of retail sector solutions in an education environment.

LGX’s close working relationship with both the industries major suppliers and more local specialised suppliers provided our project with major commercial and risk reduction benefits through enabling direct procurement on bulk orders and programme benefits with express site measure to fabrication and delivery processes.

The wealth of knowledge within the LGX leadership team encompasses all elements of façade treatments from mastic asphalt, hot melt, single ply, slate & tile, built-up and composite metal roofing and water proofing systems to all types of cladding including built up, composite, rainscreen and timber which was invaluable during concept design stages in determining the most economic and buildable solutions. This whole envelope solution knowledge is an invaluable resource in interface management.

The attentiveness of the LGX Directors provided for the smoothest contractor delivery process of the whole project. Not just their willingness to assist but also their knowledge and commitment made them an extension to the Project Management Team rather than just another contractor to manage.

The quality of the LGX operatives made them a pleasure to work with and their ‘can do’ attitude without the usual ‘not without a signed instruction’ statement made the management of change a more pleasurable experience.

On launching a new Contractor League table on a regional basis, LGX were mid-table which obviously did not meet the LGX Leadership expectations, within 6 months they were consistently top of the table and pushing our expectations to raise the bar. I cannot fault their commitment to delivering beyond our company expectations ensuring compliance at all times.

Top of the project Health & Safety League month in, month out and winner of the Contractor of the Year award, need I say more? 


LGX fully embraced our web-based quality tool (Fieldview) not only for snagging but also as a proactive tool in recording quality checks and trade handovers. Utilising their Property Team (I don’t know name of this bit of the gang) knowledge they were an invaluable resource in removing potential design/co-ordination issues before they were built into the structure thus reducing the need for either short or long-term rework.


The responsiveness of LGX’s Building Maintenance Division to arrive, inspect, determine the issue and resolve provided a large number of historic Clients with confidence that issues would be closed out quickly, professionally and robustly. The knowledge of the team with regards to both the envelope and internally is excellent and resolved a large quantity of legacy issues.

The professionalism and background checks (DBS/CRB) of the LGX Building Maintenance Division enabled works to be undertaken in sensitive health, education, MOD and commercial environments during both and normal working day and out of hours.


The openness of the LGX Commercial team working closely with the design disciplines and our Commercial/Supply Chain Managers made the difference between delivering and not delivering. The ability to commercially test alternative solutions through LGX’s nimbleness gave value engineering its often-missed programme period.

Final accounts were agreed simply through open and regular dialogue during the design and construction phases or to put it more simply ‘no surprises!’ 

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